Self-supervised learning through the eyes of a child
Orhan et al., 2020
- How much of early knowledge in children is explained by learning versus innate inductive biases?
- Specifically for the development of high-level visual categories
- Apply recent self-supervised learning methods to longitudinal, egocentric video from young children
- Results in high-level visual representations
- Links: [ website ] [ pdf ]
- Experimental evidence suggests that young children already have a sophisticated understanding about the world
- Leaves open the old “nature vs. nurture” question
- While advances in self-supervised learning have demonstrated the ability to learn powerful visual representations without additional supervision, they have not been applied to developmentally realistic, longitudinal, egocentric video
- Prior work (Bambach et al., 2018) shows that naturalistic data collected by toddlers have unique characteristics
- SAYCam Dataset
- Approximately 500 hours of video, split across three children, from head-mounted cameras
- Collected over a two year period (6-32 months), with 1-2 hours of recording per week
- Use MobileNetV2 and train using self-supervised algorithms on headcam videos, then freeze trunk and train linear readouts for downstream classification
- Temporal classification: based on principle of temporal invariance (higher level variables change more slowly)
- Divides entire dataset into finite number of temporal classes of equal duration, predict which episode a given frame belongs to
- Best model used 5fps sampling rate, 288s segment length, and color and grayscale data augmentations
- Static contrastive learning: momentum contrast (MoCo) objective
- Temporal contrastive learning: also use each frame’s two immediate neighbors as positive examples
- Baselines: random weights, ImageNet pre-trained, HOG features
- Temporal classification: based on principle of temporal invariance (higher level variables change more slowly)
- Evaluate on downstream classification tasks:
- Curated, labeled subset from SAYCam, Child S
- Toybox dataset: 12 categories, 30 exemplars in each, with 10 different transformations – closer to SAYCam than say ImageNet
- Reduce correlations between train-test split by subsampling 10x in SAYCam, and holding out exemplars in Toybox
- Results
- Temporal classification performed better than the two contrastive learning objectives
- For Toybox with exemplar split, pre-trained ImageNet did the best by far and temporal classification was closer to the contrastive learning methods
- For SAYCam, temporal classification on Child S data was able to outperform pre-trained ImageNet – possibly a little bit of overfitting
- Random weights and HOG performed significantly worse
- Uses whole dataset at once, doesn’t respect the timescale that the data is acquired
- Could implement some sort of curriculum where the portion of data used shifts as training progresses
- Missing interactive learning, but might not be that important for object classification compared to say intuitive physics
- Would be interesting to see at which point higher sampling rate and segment lengths start to hurt performance
- While SAYCam is probably the best dataset to-date for these experiments, it is a very small fraction of the total experience (~1%)
- Not really clear why temporal classification performs the best
- Classification of frames at the boundary between episodes would seem kind of arbitrary
- Could imagine some continuum between temporal classification and temporal contrastive learning, where the “positiveness” of frames decreases as their temporal separation increases