Toddler-Inspired Visual Object Learning
Bambach et al., 2018

- Real-world learning systems are limited in the quality and quantity of training datasets they can collect
- Use head-mounted cameras and gaze trackers to collect egocentric images from human child in naturalistic learning contexts
- Child data produces better object models than egocentric adult data
- Child data exhibits unique combination of quality and diversity
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- Current machine learning approaches rely on collecting large amounts of data, with generalization ability benefitting from the size
- Human children are very efficient learners, able to recognize roughly 300 object categories by age 2, and generalize to novel instances of newly learned label
- Successful learning in toddlers lies in the qulity of visual data they collect in everyday activities, more coherent and correlated
- Use CNNs to quantify and compare the information content of various datasets
- Toddlers in toy play context (24 toys), learn about objects and names
- Egocentric video and eye tracker for toddler and adult, as well as 3rd person view
- Final dataset of about 200 minutes of video, 30fps, 480 x 640, 70 degree horizontal FOV
- Separate “standard” image dataset of the 24 toy objects with 128 viewpoints per object, 3072 total images - used for test set
- Manually detect object looks using gaze data, average duration was ~1-2 seconds, ~200k frames each for child and parent
- Used pretrained YOLO to obtain object bounding boxes in each frame
- Simulate foveated vision by prgressively blurring away from center of gaze
- Make datasets with different FOV, between 30-70 degrees in 10 degree increments
- Used pretrained VGG with finetuning for the different datasets, weighting loss based on object frequency
- Test on the “standard” clean object dataset
- Differences in histogram of object sizes
- Adult data skewed towards smaller objects (<10% of FOV)
- Child data has more larger objects (>20% FOV), up to ~50% FOV
- ImageNet has much more large objects, up to 100% image size
- Use GIST features to compare low-level visual similarity, toddler has bigger tail of dissimilar instances compared to adults
- ImageNet is generally more variable since contains instances of different objects
- VGG trained on child data performs better than adult data across various FOV and with or without blurring
- Separated child data into two datasets where objects were smaller or larger than median, based on YOLO bounding boxes
- Larger object dataset resulted in higher performance
- Create datasets of similar, diverse, and orignal based on GIST features of bounding box cropped objects
- Similar contained 25% of the instances with minimum total pairwise distance
- Diverse contained 25% with maximum distance
- Original contains random subset of original datset
- Original performed best, and diverse better than similar
- Blurring, from simulated foveated vision, generally hurts performance
- Only helps in adult data with large FOV (>50 degrees)
- Data (images) gathered by toddlers during play results in better performance than adult data
- Child data differs from adults in object size and instance diversity, which contribute to performance gain
- More larger objects
- More diverse instances
- Toddler dataset contains more information than they have access to
- Requires (manual) labeling of objects in each frame
- Not clear that better performance of “big objects” isn’t just due to the test set generally having large objects too
- Test performance with original distribution of object size (both big and small) not shown
- Would having both large and small objects help for a more “realistic” test set
- Would be nice to see results hold with training from scratch
- Data needed for fine-tuning might be different
- Other task besides object recognition would be interesting
- How well would a “standard” dataset compare to toddler and adult data
- Can these principles be used to design better “standard” datasets