Compositional Video Prediction
Ye et al., 2019
- Method for solving pixel-level future prediction given a single image
- Decompose scene into distinct entities that undergo motion and possibly interact
- Generates realistic predictions for stacked objects and human activities in gyms
- Links: [ website ] [ pdf ]
- Given a single image, humans can easily understand the scene and make predictions
- Many other works also model relationships between objects, but do some combination of:
- Use only simple visual stimuli
- Use state based input
- Rely on sequence of inputs
- Don’t make predictions in pixel space
- Given starting frame $f^0$ and the location of $N$ entities $\{b^0_n\}^N_{n=1}$, predict $T$ future frames $f^1, f^2, \dots, f^T$
- Use entity predictor $\mathcal{P}$ for per-entity representations $\{x^t_n\}^N_{n=1}$
- $\{x^{t+1}_n\} \equiv \mathcal{P}(\{x^t_n\}, z_t)$
- $\{x^t_n\}^N_{n=1} \equiv \{(b^t_n, a^t_n)\}^N_{n=1}$
- $b^t_n$ is the predicted location
- $a^t_n$ is the predicted implicit features for entity appearance
- $a^0_n$ obtained using ResNet-18 on cropped region from $f^0$
- Interaction between entities modeled with graph neural network, edges are predetermined
- Use frame decoder $\mathcal{D}$ to infer pixels
- $f^t \equiv \mathcal{D}(\{x^t_n\},f^0)$
- Warp normalized spatial representation to image coordinates with predicted location for each entity
- Use soft masking for each entity to account for possible occlusions
- Add these masked features to features from initial frame $f^0$
- Single random latent variable $u$ to capture multi-modality of prediction task
- Yields per-timestep latent variables $z_t$, which are correlated accross time, via a learned LSTM
- Loss consists of three terms:
- Prediction: $l_1$ loss on decoded frame from predicted features and $l_2$ loss on predicted location
- Encoder: information bottleneck on latent variable distribution
- Decoder: $l_1$ loss on decoded frame from features extracted from the same frame (auto-encoding loss)
- Datasets:
- ShapeStacks: synthetic dataset of stacked objects that fall, different block shapes/colors and configurations
- Penn Action: real video dataset of people playing indoor/outdoor sports, annotated with joint locations
- Use gym activities subset: less camera motion, more similar backgrounds
- Metrics:
- Average MSE for entity locations
- Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) for generated frames
- Due to stochasticity from random variable $u$, use best scores from 100 samples
- Baselines:
- No-Factor: only predicts at the level of frames
- No-Edge: no interaction among entities
- Pose Knows: also predicts poses as intermediate representation, predicts location but not appearance, no interactions
- Proposed method consistenly performs better than the simple baselines on ShapeStacks, but No-Edge is a fairly close second
- Adding adversarial loss, from Pose Knows, greatly improves performance of proposed method on Penn Action
- Qualitative results on Penn Action are generally not that convincing for any model
- Relies on supervision of entity locations and graph structure
- Inclusion of latent variable to model multi-modality is interesting
- Better metrics for evaluating diversity and accuracy would be useful
- Poor performance on real world dataset suggests there is still a lot of room for improvement