Biological Intelligence

Humans, but Not Deep Neural Networks, Often Miss Giant Targets in Scenes

Demonstrates that huamns use scene information to guide search towards likely target sizes, resulting in higher miss rates for mis-scaled targets, which does not occur for object detection DNNs.

The neuroscience of human intelligence differences

A variety of structural and functional differences in the brain are correlated with intelligence.

Intuitive experimentation in the physical world

Provides evidence that human experimentation in physical environments is effective at revealing properties of interest, and learning from observations relies on the learning goals.

The Developing Infant Creates a Curriculum for Statistical Learning

Reviews recent work that analyzes the egocentric view of infants, highlighting the connection between the data and internal machinery for statistical learning.

Intuitive Physics: Current Research and Controversies

Recent research in intuitive physics, guided by knowledge-based and learning-based approaches, shifts to a probabilistic simulation framework that better explains human intuitive physics predictions compared to earlier heuristic models.

A critique of pure learning and what artificial neural networks can learn from animal brains

Development of artificial neural networks should leverage the insight that much of animal behavior is innate as a result of wiring rules encoded in the genome, learned through billions of years of evolution.

How Evolution May Work Through Curiosity-Driven Developmental Process

Provides an overview of a curiosity-driven paradigm and relates the results back to the evolutionary process.

Toddler-Inspired Visual Object Learning

Computer vision models trained on data obtained from head-mounted cameras on children performs better than data from adults.